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Friday, February 26, 2016

Happiness: No Man Required--Confidence for Everyone!

The forthcoming book Happiness: No Man Required 50 Tips for Single Women to be Happy (With or Without a Man) by Dwayna Litz is a book for everyone!

We have already received verbal bulk orders from a shelter for battered women, a women's prison and a rehab center for girls struggling with addiction. It is written for teens who have been rescued from child trafficking, any woman who has been sexually abused, anyone struggling with addition, any mother who wants a great book for her daughter, and any single woman who does not feel good about herself without a man's affirmation.

Even men have said they plan to order the book, although it is definitely a book written to and for women. It will encourage the good men to continue to treat women well because treating a woman well is healing for everyone. Any player with bad character can also learn from it, should such a man choose to read the book. 

Happiness: No Man Required is a book against domestic violence and a book in support of good men. It warns women against spiritual abuse with praise for pastors, therapists, and counselors who are authentic. It is basically against the worship of anything or anyone other than God. The premise is that women have to first feel good about themselves before getting married, or they will not be happy in a marriage. Women settle for the wrong men because they do not have the confidence they need on their own. It will help any woman break the humiliating cycle of any addiction, going from one wrong man to another, teaching her how to have a Love within herself with the power to set her free.

There is homework with every tip. Some women have said the tips help more than therapy when it comes to gaining more confidence, though I dedicate the book to the remarkable counseling I have received through the years. The book teaches women how to date in a way that protects them from getting too attached too soon to the wrong men and losing who they are along the way. The first tip addresses love addiction, which can easily be mistaken for love. If you don't feel like you can be happy without a man, this book is for you.

Happiness: No Man Required 50 Tips for Single Women to be Happy (With or Without a Man), by Dwayna Litz, soon to come in March on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.